1980-1984 Reading Record Comments | |
I read a lot of books while I was in college, and not just text books. I did not start recording the books I read until 1985. The dates listed are usually just a guess as to which quarter I might have read the book. Some books were noted in my journal, so have better dates. It appears a lot of the dates were choosen so the books would group by author! I wrote few comments, so if you want more information about the book, click the title or the book image for links to Amazon. In some cases Amazon does have additional photos of the books, particularly old out of print books, such as these- they have been shared by Amazon's customers. Page Count Grade 0-9 Date I finished Source (FPL: Fargo Public Library, MSU: Minnesota State University Moorhead Library) |
Galactic Empires Vol 1 & 2 SF book club 584 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Princess Of Mars, A #1 SF book club purchased for the Frazetta illustrations circa year, I also have the paperback. I read it first in 1976 179 pages 9.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Land Time Forgot SF book club The date ia a circa year For the Frazetta illustrations 249 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Eternal Savage Nu of the Neocene Ace 250 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Magic Labyrinth #4 SF book club The date is the year it was published 406 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Rolling Stone Illustrated History Of Rock And Roll, The B. Daltons 469 pages 7.9 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Tenth Anniversary Anthology The date is the year it was published 316 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Ringworld Engineers SF book club date is a circa year. 308 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Impact 20 Ernies, for no reason other than he wrote Logan's Run 158 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Watchstar SF book club 183 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Raid, The Military Book Club. The date is the year it was published 248 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
Three From Legion SF book club 536 pages 4.0 7/1/80 CRAIG | |
When Worlds Collide / After Worlds Collide I had Suzanne check it out for me. I also read it when i was at South. 604 pages 7.0 10/6/80 SOUTH HIGH | |
Einstein Intersection, The Read it once on 11/28/83 155 pages 7.0 11/26/80 CRAIG | |
Cosmos 365 pages 6.0 11/30/80 FPL | |
Utilitarianism for Ethics class 200 pages 3.0 12/4/80 MSU | |
Wizard SF book club 277 pages 4.0 12/5/80 CRAIG | |
The Humanoid Touch SF book club 186 pages 4.0 1/19/81 CRAIG | |
Firebird SF book club 185 pages 4.0 2/2/81 CRAIG | |
No One Gets Out Of Here Alive 382 pages 4.0 2/14/81 CRAIG | |
Woody Guthrie Songbook Music 253 pages 3.0 2/23/81 MSU | |
Jimi Hendrix Anthology Music, I also checked it out for Steven Maas when he was here. 191 pages 6.0 2/23/81 MSU | |
Guitar Handbook, The B Dalton 249 pages 6.0 4/23/81 CRAIG | |
Real War, The 341 pages 7.0 6/10/81 FPL | |
Third Wave, The I also seem to have a listing for 5-17-82 from MSU 544 pages 7.0 6/10/81 MSU | |
Few Minutes With Andy Rooney, A Dads Christmas gift from? I'm sure I was the only one to read it. 245 pages 5.0 7/1/81 DAD | |
Pop Makers, The I think Victor gave me this, looks like he got it from a rummage sale. 127 pages 4.0 7/1/81 CRAIG | |
Guide To The New Testament The date is the year it was published 1971 557 pages 4.0 7/7/81 CRAIG | |
Aviation Art Of Keith Ferris The date is a wild guess of the year. 86 pages 4.0 7/7/81 CRAIG | |
Intermediate Programing For The TRS-80 Victor tried some of the lame games on the ECI computer 238 pages 3.0 7/20/81 NDSU | |
Murders At The Rugue Morgue And Other Tales 412 pages 3.0 8/14/81 MSU | |
Hugo Winners SF book club Isaac was only the editor I started it 3/19/81 846 pages 4.0 8/26/81 CRAIG | |
Steel String Guitar, The I was gonna build a guitar at one point so photocopied the book, now the copy rest in the Fargo dump 158 pages 3.0 9/9/81 MSU | |
John Carter Of Mars #11 SF book club For the Frazetta illustrations 179 pages 6.0 9/15/81 CRAIG | |
Cows, Pigs, Wars And Witches Mr Volmers thought this was a great book (It was interesting) He mentioned it in class and I'm sure I was the only student to read it. 276 pages 6.0 10/19/81 MSU | |
Again Dangerous Visions SF book club 830 pages 4.0 10/21/81 CRAIG | |
Healing into Life and Death (Death And Poetry) 241 pages 3.0 10/22/81 MSU | |
Super Realism art 322 pages 5.0 12/15/81 MSU | |
Jewels Aptor, The I got it from Ernies 159 pages 7.0 12/18/81 CRAIG | |
Catcher In The Rye, The 192 pages 6.0 12/19/81 CRAIG | |
Scuse Me While I Kiss The Sky The Life Of Jimi Hendrix 380 pages 4.0 12/25/81 CRAIG | |
Logan's Search I've only read this one once, what a let down, he should have killed him in the last book. It was almost as bad as the TV series!! 150 pages 3.0 2/19/82 BOB | |
Full Moon 261 pages 4.0 2/24/82 CRAIG | |
Born On The Fourth Of July I read this long before the movie. Bruce Springsteen mentioned it on the Winterland Bootleg. 208 pages 7.0 2/24/82 MSU | |
Lady Of The Haven #1 I got this at Ernies on 10/31/81 382 pages 4.0 3/6/82 CRAIG | |
Mucker, The I got this at Ernies on 10/31/81 for the original Ace fracetta cover. 190 pages 4.0 3/8/82 CRAIG | |
World Of Tiers Vol 1 & 2 SF book club 844 pages 4.0 3/13/82 CRAIG | |
Conversation With Dali 123 pages 3.0 3/30/82 MSU | |
Future Shock finished 5-2-82 561 pages 7.0 4/24/82 MSU | |
Something Happened I read out of the library before I got my own copy from Ernies on 4/3/82 530 pages 8.0 6/2/82 CRAIG | |
Good As Gold Most likely I read this after reading Something happened. I also read this at least twice. 488 pages 6.0 6/2/82 CRAIG | |
Heavenly Breakfast I got this and read it in San Francisco. Jamie seemed match the feel of this psuedo Autobiography. 127 pages 9.0 6/15/82 CRAIG | |
Heavy Guitar Bible, The Schmitts Music, it was stupid heavy metal riff shit. 102 pages 3.0 6/22/82 CRAIG | |
Calendar Girl The date is the year it was published 144 pages 4.0 7/1/82 CRAIG | |
Ballad Of Beta 2/ Empire Star Two books in one Delany wrote this when he was but a kid! I got it from Ernies 239 pages 7.0 7/1/82 CRAIG | |
Dune I got this from Aunt Judy, via the Santa Barbara Library. I've read all the Dune books, but it was during I time I didn't write anything down. Many false starts befor I got past the first chapter! 522 pages 7.0 7/1/82 CRAIG | |
Broca's Brain I talked with Brian from DC Sales about the Sagan Books 347 pages 6.0 7/1/82 MSU | |
Dragon's Of Eden, The I talked with Brian from DC Sales about the Sagan Books 263 pages 6.0 7/1/82 MSU | |
Third World War August 1985 Military Book Club 396 pages 4.0 7/6/82 CRAIG | |
City Of A Thousand Suns Book one of three I got it from Ernies 176 pages 7.0 7/29/82 CRAIG | |
The Tower Of Toron Book two of three I got it from Ernies 180 pages 7.0 7/31/82 CRAIG | |
Magic Of Xanth SF book club 660 pages 4.0 8/1/82 CRAIG | |
Out Of The Dead City Book three of three I got it from Ernies 173 pages 7.0 8/2/82 CRAIG | |
Without Feathers 221 pages 2.0 8/12/82 FPL | |
Falcon Of Eden, The #3 I got this at Ernies on the above date. 283 pages 4.0 8/14/82 CRAIG | |
Dungeons Of Kuba, The #2 I got this at Ernies on the above date. 254 pages 4.0 8/14/82 CRAIG | |
In Memory Yet Green two part series 732 pages 6.0 8/15/82 FPL | |
Mote In God's Eye 537 pages 7.0 8/15/82 FPL | |
Dark Design, The #3 Ernies 403 pages 4.0 9/10/82 CRAIG | |
Fabulous Riverboat, The #2 Ernies on that date. 256 pages 4.0 9/19/82 CRAIG | |
To Your Scattered Bodies Go #1 Ernies on that date. 222 pages 4.0 9/19/82 CRAIG | |
Origins Of Psychopharmacology CRZ To LSD I read a number of Psychopharmacology books, and like a bad trip I remember few of them. Interesting subject though. 225 pages 3.0 10/25/82 MSU | |
Who Maximum R&B, The Included a flex-disc record of Pete's demos. 168 pages 7.9 12/24/82 CRAIG | |
Nova Easiest on Delany to get into. I've read it at least twice. 10/31/81 215 pages 8.0 12/29/82 CRAIG | |
2010 Odyssey 2 even better than 2001 291 pages 9.0 4/26/83 FPL | |
Foundation Trilogy, The 862 pages 6.0 5/2/83 MSU | |
George Stories, The A gift for resubscribing. 62 pages 4.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
Rock Hardware B Dalton 204 pages 8.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
Neveryona Book two I've read it twice. 449 pages 7.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
Tales Of Neveryon Book one I have two copies 1) 1979 and one 1983 ie I've read it twice. 385 pages 7.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
Day Of The Bonanza Guess to the date and year. When I was a kid it seemed like such a long hard book, but now it's a kiddy book. 220 pages 4.0 7/1/83 DAD | |
Who Farewell Tour, The Alot a dull pictures of the greatest band on the face of the earth. 125 pages 6.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
Illustrated Discogrphy Of The Who, The Great for figuring out what bootleg records to buy from Second Coming Records. 176 pages 7.0 7/1/83 CRAIG | |
More By Andy Rooney Dads Christmas gift from? I'm sure I was the only one to read it. 320 pages 5.0 7/1/83 DAD | |
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sands I got this hardcover from my sister for Christmas. The creatures whose language is based on taste are cool. 368 pages 8.0 12/24/83 CRAIG | |
Voyagers 389 pages 6.0 6/20/84 FPL | |
Midas World 276 pages 5.0 6/20/84 FPL | |
Pieces Of My Mind Dads Christmas gift from? I'm sure I was the only one to read it. 255 pages 5.0 7/1/84 DAD | |
Breakfast Of Champions I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 295 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Cat's Cradle I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 231 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Deadeye Dick I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 240 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Godbless You Mr Rosewater I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 217 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Happy Birthday Wanda June I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 199 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Jailbird I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 246 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Mother Night I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 202 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Palm Sunday I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 330 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Piano Player I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 295 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Sirens Of Titan I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 319 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Slapstick I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 243 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Slaughterhouse Five I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 186 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Wampeters, Foma And Granfalloons I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 285 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Welcome To The Monkeyhouse I read a bunch of Vonnegut around 82-84, my sister had some books, a few from the library but the bulk came from Bob who has all but one. 295 pages 6.0 7/1/84 BOB | |
Modern Manners I got this for X-mas from Suzanne in 1983? 243 pages 5.0 8/17/84 CRAIG | |
Superluminal 298 pages 5.0 9/23/84 FPL | |
Ogilvy On Advertising 224 pages 6.0 9/23/84 MSU | |
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The 372 pages 5.0 9/23/84 MSU | |
From Bauhaus To Our House 143 pages 4.0 9/23/84 FPL | |
Mauve Gloves & Madman, Clutter & Vine, And Other Stories, Sletches And Essays 243 pages 5.0 9/23/84 MSU | |
Painted Word, The 121 pages 5.0 9/23/84 MSU | |
Purple Decades, The 396 pages 5.0 9/23/84 FPL | |
Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing The Flak Catchers 153 pages 5.0 9/23/84 MSU | |
Bonfire Of The Vanities, The I read the serierized version in Rolling Stone over the 1984 summer 659 pages 7.0 9/24/84 CRAIG | |
Billion Year Space The True History Of Science Fiction Dry, but good references 320 pages 5.0 10/20/84 FPL | |
Laughing Space Edited by Issac, really pretty good 521 pages 6.0 10/20/84 FPL | |
Robots Of Dawn, The Cristmas present from Suzanne. Using the detective from ""Caves of Steel"", hinting at the ""Foundation"" series, and using bits of ""I Robot"", Issac could have had a great book here, but the plot was poor and humorless. Rather dry for Asimov, this was no 2010. 419 pages 5.0 11/1/84 Craig | |
One Man's San Francisco Drink and die that's all that happens to Herb. 232 pages 2.0 11/2/84 FPL | |
Scanner Darkly, A Wow, good stuff. Drugs in 1995, the present day getting worse. 220 pages 6.0 11/2/84 FPL | |
Rogue Ship Poorly written, can't imbellish his stories so he drags it out. 213 pages 2.0 11/2/84 FPL | |
Ophiuchi Hotline, The Interesting author, this his first book is pretty good. 180 pages 5.0 11/2/84 FPL | |
Winds Of Change Some ideas were good, some were poor, he had a hard time tying the loose threads together. Issacs better at orginal ideas. 269 pages 6.0 11/20/84 FPL | |
If The Stars Are Gods Great stuff, but then Benford is a great author. 214 pages 8.0 11/20/84 FPL | |
1984 Spring Good essays, a great book 254 pages 8.0 12/17/84 FPL | |
Metropolitan Life Amusing at best 222 pages 4.0 12/17/84 FPL | |
Integral Trees Life on a thorus cicling a nuetron star. Good plot, fair writting, but some of Niven's other stuff is better. 240 pages 5.0 12/17/84 FPL | |
Book Of List #3 Some stuff was great but most was shit 453 pages 3.0 12/17/84 FPL | |
125 Books / 38,222 Total Pages |